Where There's a Will, There's Peace of Mind


Posts in Health care documents
Who Will Decide Your Treatment When You Can’t?

Imagine that you are in the hospital, unconscious.  Who’s going to tell the doctors what you want done?  Do you want to be the one who decides that person, or do you want the state to say who can make decisions for you?

The decision-maker may be obvious if you are married, but what if your spouse is unconscious as well?  And what if you are single?  Who decides then?

Everyone needs a health care surrogate, especially in times like these.  A health care surrogate document, also called a health care power of attorney, designates the person that you want to make medical decisions for you when you can’t.  This document is important for everyone to have, even more so than ever in these crazy times.

A health care surrogate document is not the same as a living will.  A health care surrogate document identifies a specific person to make medical decisions for you when those decisions will keep you alive in a meaningful way.  A living will tells your doctors what you want to happen if the doctors have decided that nothing more can be done for you. 

Everyone needs both of these documents.  And what a great time to get your will in place, too.  Contact your favorite estate planning attorney who can prepare all these documents for you quickly.

Best regards and stay safe.

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